Friday, April 23, 2010

My Trip to JBC......this one took alot longer ot get out than i expected....sorry :)

Ok so on wednesday night i headed to Johnson for my first visit by myself. I am so happy that i went, i got to see a beautiful campus, and got a wonderful chance to sit in on Dr. Reece's class. Lets just say that after the visit i want that acceptance letter to come all the faster, and then for august to get here even faster. Johnson has such a beautiful campus, and i cant wait to get to live and study on the campus. They even have tennis courts, so i will finally be able to get to play some tennis :).

Well let me break down what all went into the trip, I started off by heading by church to get my references from Shawn and Jon and they also included the proof read of the essay, which was awesome thank you both very much. After that i headed to Johnson, of course i wasn't able to head to there by I-40, cause if you haven't heard they have 40 closed near the state line because of the rock slides. so i had to take 40 to 52N to 74 to 81. so when i got there i meet up with Wes, who was the student i was staying with for the night, and got to meet the students on his hall and chill with them for the night. They were awesome people and i cant wait to make friends like them at JBC. The next morning i woke up at 8 am for breakfast and met with Josh in the activities center so that we could go to chapel.

Ok so chapel needs its own paragraph, it was that special. The best way to describe it is like a mini service for sunday...but that doesn't really describe it. It was awesome to get to worship with everyone at JBC and get to see what that was like. After Chapel i headed to Prophets with class, This class just so happened to be taught to by the awesome Dr. Reece, and let me say i hope i get as many classes with this man as i can. He actually sent me a personal letter the other day and i just got it. That letter just reinforced that JBC is the school that i need to be at.

After the class we went on a campus tour, for pictures visit my facebook page and you can check those out, we went everywhere, but my favorite thing of the tour, was well everywhere. I learned a lot like how for the very first students were able to go free, now wouldnt that be nice, but they also had to work on the far which is what a majority of the campus was.

The buildings where amazingly beautiful, and i cant wait to take classes in those. all in all it was an awesome trip and it all reinforced the fact that God wants me here. i cant wait to be here, and now that i have my essay in i am just waiting on a response, which im hoping will be a yes.

Prayer request

i have one major one now
-please pray that if it is Gods will that i would get into JBC, and that it be a swift response from JBC.

God bless you guys for all of your support and prayer guys!!! it means more than you know.

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